05 Mar How to Expedite Labor Functions with Shoe Cover Magic
Across all industries that have a need for shoe covers in the workplace, there is a significant amount of time that is dedicated to applying shoe covers over employees’ shoes. Employees have to sit down, apply their shoe cover, wash their hands, complete the proposed job, sit down, take the shoe cover off, and then wash their hands again. This is a very time-consuming process that cuts into the time that your business should be dedicated to quality care for patients, clients, and customers.
This is time that could, and should, be set aside to work on bettering your company as a whole. Now, want to hear the good news? The time consuming, unnecessary, and unsanitary process is now a thing of the past!
With the Shoe Cover Magic’s incredibly designed 3 step system, you, your employees, and your coworkers don’t have to worry about wasting time while still protecting the safety and health of everyone who steps foot in your company’s store, office, building, or restaurant. Our 3 step system allows workers across all industries to apply and remove shoe covers in just 5 seconds or less. Plus, you don’t have to sit down, bend over, or strain in any way to get these shoe covers on or off. Shoe Cover Magic’s 3 step system is a fully hands-free and germ-free process, allowing you to get to work quickly and in a sanitary manner.
If your workplace already has a shoe cover policy in place, consider switching to Shoe Cover Magic’s 3 step system to prioritize the health, sanitation, and speed of the duties that are performed each and every day in your building. If your workplace doesn’t already have a shoe cover policy in place, and you feel as though there should be a similar policy implemented, contact us today.
We would be happy to answer any questions you have about the benefits that shoe covers can provide to your industry, specifically. Trust us when we say that the inner workings of your business will be optimized and expedited by our quick and easy 3 step shoe cover system. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
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