15 Aug Applications for Shoe Covers in Schools
Kids can be gross. For one thing, they have the instinct to put things in their mouths from a very young age. The journal Pediatrics published a statistic that childhood emergency room visits for swallowed objects, or as they call it “foreign body ingestion,” have nearly doubled since the 1990s to 18 per 10,000 children.
We also know that shoes can be incredibly dirty. Good Morning America and the University of Arizona conducted a study and found that shoes are “dirtier than a toilet seat.” To put this in perspective, toilets typically contain 1,000 bacteria or less, compared to the 66 million found on one of the test subject’s shoes. The test also revealed nine different species of bacteria living on the bottom of people’s shoes, which can cause infections in the eyes, stomach, and lungs, like E. coli.
Secondary School and Colleges/Universities
Could there be applications for shoe covers in schools? Absolutely! For one, high school and university science labs would make an excellent location for Shoe Cover Magic’s 3-step system. There’s rarely space to sit down for application and removal, making our hands-free system a perfect solution in tight spaces.
From Daycare to Elementary School
Beyond the science lab, there are also great applications in elementary schools and middle schools. School nurses can make excellent use of shoe covers, particularly in cases where you might want PPE or protection for your shoes. Stomach viruses can run rampant through schools, so proper protection can afford protection from uncomfortable mishaps.
In the past, we’ve discussed the myriad of uses daycares could use for shoe covers. Amidst the pandemic and knowing with the littlest ones, they’re on and off the floor all day long, making safety and cleanliness vitally important. Learn more about the particulars of daycares here. We also touched on their applications at Childcare Facilities as well.
What other applications can you think of at the school level? We’re certain we didn’t catch them all. If you’re interested in bringing a shoe cover system to your educational environment, let us know so we can help you find the right options for your organization.
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